Maintenance and Service Videos

Change your zero-turn drive belt quickly
If your Yakta drive belt ever needs to be replaced, here's how you can do it easily, with just a wrench. Performing regular maintenance on your zero-turn mower is important to keep it running smoothly for as long as possible.

Replace the air & fuel filters on your zero-turn
Forgetting to change your air filter for too long could have your zero-turn mower start spitting out black clouds. Luckily, it's easy to access the air filter and the fuel filter thanks to the engine and design choices of the YXR mowers. Performing regular maintenance on your zero-turn mower is important to keep it running smoothly for as long as possible.

Replace your zero-turn's deck belt with no tools
Remove, replace, and reinstall the deck belt on your zero-turn mower completely tool-free. We designed your mower to be quick and safe to maintain, the deck belt is no exception. Performing regular maintenance on your zero-turn mower is essential for any unit. Making that maintenance quick means it's easier to keep your mower running smoothly.